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Hebraic Perspectives

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About Yeshua and YHVH

Yeshua to Jesus - Tim Kelley

As we grow in grace and knowledge of our Messiah we have  a zeal to place Him back into the Hebrew culture in which He did His work.  This is right and good, but sometimes our studies lead us down a path to where we begin to condemn everything we learned in the church.  This is often the case, especially when we learn that The Messiah's real name is Yeshua, not Jesus.  Were we lied to about the name of our Messiah?  Did the English "miss-translators" mix our Messiah's name with the name of the pagan Greek god Zeus?  This study will help us see the transition of His name down through the languages . . .            Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 12, 2011

When was Jesus Really Born

Most Bible believers know that Jesus (Yeshua) was not born on December 25.  But if not in December, when was Yeshua really born?  Does the Bible give us the answer?  Yes and No!  Though the exact date is not given, the scriptures provide enough information to determine the season of the year from which we can pinpoint the approximate week of His birth.  Once you see it, you'll see that - just like everything else in scripture - God's plan works perfectly.

Eight Jewish Men - Writers of the New Testament - Tim Kelley

The New Testament writers make many references to the Old Testament, but in their day, there were at least two versions of the Old Testament scriptures - the "original Hebrew" and the Septuagint. Which one did they use? Does it really matter?  This brief study gives the background of both so that the Bible student can be informed when he runs across references to these biblical texts.  March 2006.

the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint - Dealing with Apparant Contradictions - Tim Kelley

The New Testament writers make many references to the Old Testament, but in their day, there were at least two versions of the Old Testament scriptures - the "original Hebrew" and the Septuagint. Which one did they use? Does it really matter?  This brief study gives the background of both so that the Bible student can be informed when he runs across references to these biblical texts.  December 30, 2015.

Psalm 22 - A Messianic Prophecy - Part 1  - Tim Kelley

Christians and Jews have been battling over this Psalm for nearly 2000 years. Judaism teaches that the Psalm is merely a story of David's trials as he flees from Saul, while Christianity teaches that it is a prophecy of the crucifixion of Jesus - the Messiah.  The arguments generally center around the authority of the text … the Masoretic Text from which the Jewish view is derived, and the Septuagint from which the Christian view is derived.  Part 1 of this series focuses on the text itself and will be followed in Part 2 with arguments against the Jewish view.  We recommend you read the article "the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint - an Introduction" (see above) before reading this article. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - December 26 , 2015.

Psalm 22 - A Messianic Prophecy - Part 2 - Tim Kelley

Do the Jewish arguments against the Christian view of Psalm 22:16 hold water?  As we continue to explore the traditional Jewish arguments against the Messiahship of Yeshua, we find that the Jewish case is weak at best.  But even if they are right, does it change anything? Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - January 9, 2016.

Isaiah 7:14 - Debunking Jewish Opposition to the Virgin Birth - Tim Kelley

Matthew's reference to Isaiah's prophecy of the virgin birth has been used as a tool of anti-missionaries for two millennia. Though "Christians" are usually not the target of those who would try to disprove the messiahship of Yeshua ( Jesus ), they often get caught in the cross-hairs because "knowledge" is so readily available on the Internet, and most Christians are ill-prepared (in regards to Bible knowledge) to defend themselves.  This study takes three claims normally made by the rabbis and shows how they (the rabbis) are wrong on all three counts.  Please read the above article "the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint" to familiarize yourself with these texts before reading this article.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - October 24, 2015.

the Curse of Jehoichin - Confirming God's Promise to David - Tim Kelley

Many believe that the supposed 'curse' that was put on Judah's King Jehoichin invalidates Yeshua's claim to be king. Christians come to his defense by saying that Jehoiachin repented of his undefined evil deeds and thus the curse was removed. Unfortunately, the scriptures do not support that theory, but they do support the fact that there never was a curse, and that by removing Jehoiachin, God was confirming his oath to King David. Delivered at Season of Our Joy Sukkot Festival - October 2019.

Is Yeshua YHVH? (A Hebraic Perspective) - Eddie Chumney

This teaching will explain using the Bible with references to the Targums and Zohar the Shema and the unity of the Godhead. We will also share terms and titles for the Messiah from Genesis to Revelation to get a Biblical perspective of how does the Bible represent Yeshua the Messiah of Israel.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 19, 2011

Toward a Better Understanding of Sacrifice - Jonathan Stahl

The sacrifice of Messiah Yeshua can be better understood within the culture of the Hebrew people who, every year, personally brought their lamb to the Temple and sacrificed it with their own hands.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 9, 2013.

Shaliah,  the Agent of God - Tim Kelley

In our quest to understand Yeshua, and to answer those who deny His place in the salvation of all Israel, it's important that we are able to explain some of His remarks that seem to contradict the Old Testament.  Armed with the Jewish understanding of "agency", this is quite easy to do.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - July 18, 2015.

Yeshua - a Sacrifice or Not - Tim Kelley

As we move further and further from the "cocoon" of organized religion, we find ourselves challenged more and more often.  One of the most common challenges is if we can explain how if "god hates human sacrifice", Yeshua could be a sacrifice.  This teaching tackles that question by showing what the Torah actually says about human sacrifice and by showing what the ancient Jewish sages believed and taught about human sacrifice.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 23, 2013.

Violence In the Scriptures - In Defense of God - Tim Kelley

The world is filled with violence, and according to many Biblical skeptics, so is the Bible! In thier mind, it would be hard to follow a god of 'love', when His actions are so 'violent'. How do we answer that argument? Does God need us to defend His actions? Does He even want us to defend His actions?   Originally written June 2016; revised March 2019.

How God Describes God - The Use of Anthropomorphisms in Scripture - Tim Kelley

The scriptures are full of examples of where the God of Israel expresses Himself through the use of human-like terms.  He has hands, arms, a mouth, a face, and a voice.  He walks, talks, and runs.  He rejoices, loves, and hates.  All of these are human characteristics that He applies to Himself.  Are we practicing idolatry if we think of Him in those terms?  What if He chose to convey Himself in all those terms at once?   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - November 28, 2015.

Situational Awareness - Seeing the Big Picture - Tim Kelley

We are living in times where the belief in the God of the Bible is no longer fashionable. Parents can no longer assume that their child's teachers and friends include God in their lives and lesson plans. Such was the case in Joshua's day. The people of Israel were already turning away from YHVH - the God of Israel, and toward the pagan gods of the nations. What can parents do to help their children maintain the belief in the God of the Bible?  Delivered at Season of Our Joy - October 14, 2019.

Burning Alive - the Sinner's Fate? - Tim Kelley

There are two places in the Torah where it appears that God prescribed the penalty of being burned alive for specific sins. But is that really the case? Does God prescribe or even condone such cruel punishement? A deeper look at the scriptures reveals the truth, a truth that might have implications for those who die as unbelievers.  Delivered at Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 20, 2021.

Why Earth? - Jonathan Stahl

As scientists continue to search for the source of life, it's becoming more and more evident that man is a special creation, especially as one considers the unique location in which we find ourselves in the universe.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - January 5, 2012

Understanding Israel - Tim Kelley

Introduction - Solomon's Kingdom

As a Hebrew Roots fellowship, we often speak of the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel, and so we should - it was the central theme of the prophets of old as well as the focus of the disciples of Yeshua.  This series will discuss the history of Israel including the prophecies of return.  It will help correct many misunderstandings concerning Israel, chief of which is the thought that all Israelites are Jews.
This series begins with a discussion of Solomon's Kingdom.  The kingdom that he inherited from his father David was a picture of the end-time Kingdom of God.  It is important for a student of the New Testament to understand that the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel was the focus of the disciples and the mystery that Paul and his fellow apostles focused on.  To properly understand Israel is the key to understanding the Mystery of the Kingdom of God.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - June 25, 2011

Understanding Israel - the Tribes

Israel is a people with a very specific calling.  When YHVH entered into covenant with Abraham, it's as if He was taking Abraham's children as His bride.  Thus, to properly understand Israel, one must first look at the seriousness of the marriage covenant, for YHVH's commitment to Israel is as if she were married to Him.   This teaching discusses the history of Israel and clears up one of the biggest misunderstandings of who are the 12 Tribes of Israel.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - July 9, 2011

Understanding Israel - Blessing and Curses

Though Israel inherited the unconditional covenant YHVH made with Abraham, and passed on to Isaac and Jacob, when Israel was delivered from Egypt and taken to Mount Sinai, they entered into a conditional covenant with YHVH.  According to their covenant, if Israel lived up to the conditions of the covenant, they would receive abundant blessings.  On the other hand, if they did not, they would be cursed, with the primary curse being that they would be driven out of the land.  This "curse of the law" did not cause the covenant to cease, but in fact, ensured that YHVH was committed to the covenant.  This teaching begins to explain this "mystery" - how YHVH is going to fulfill Israel's purpose through a rebellious people.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - July 16, 2011

Understanding Israel - a United Kingdom

Never a homogeneous people, Israel was always divided on the line between the sons of Joseph (and those who associated with them) and the sons of Judah (and those who associated with them).  King David was the first to really unite these two kingdoms into one kingdom, the Kingdom of Israel.  This teaching shows how the terms "House of Israel" and "House of Judah" are not the same.  It also discusses the Tabernacle of David, a symbol of the Dynasty of King David.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - July 23, 2011

Understanding Israel - the Sieve Analogy

This teaching is a supplement to the above teaching.  There are questions about the sieve analogy - who stays in the sieve, who falls out.  This in-depth teaching goes to the Hebrew root words in an attempt to clear up this question. 

Understanding Israel - the Kingdom Divides

David was promised that he would never lack for one of his descendants to reign over the combined kingdom of Israel as long as his son's would walk in YHVH's ways as David had done.  Unfortunately, that was not the case and David's dynasty only lasted till the death of King Solomon.  Before Solomon died, YHVH brought adversaries against Solomon, one of which was Jeroboam.  Why did Jeroboam rebel?  What had Solomon done to provoke it?  And does Solomon's actions provide foresight into what is happening today as YHVH is beginning to gather the tribes together once again?    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  August 6, 2011

Understanding Israel - the Prophecy of Hosea

After the Kingdom of Israel split into the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel (sometimes known as Ephraim), both nations fell deeply into idolatry.  Whereas Judah had occasional periods of repentance, it appears Ephraim never did.  Shortly before Ephraim's fall, YHVH sent Hosea to show what would soon happen to the House of Israel.  This prophecy, more than any other, helps reveal the identity of the northern - "Lost Ten Tribes" - of Israel.  It also clearly shows that Ephraim and Judah are not the same people, but will united again at the end of days.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  August 13, 2011

Understanding Israel - Two Witnesses

God established a principle that it takes two witnesses to establish a matter, whether it be a criminal case or a matter of scripture.  For instance, God called heaven and earth to testify for or against Israel.  But God also called Israel to be a witness whether YHVH is indeed God.  "But that's only one witness", you might say.  True, if it were not for the fact that God split the Kingdom of Israel into two kingdoms.  Now they are both witnesses, and God says that their witness to the fact that He is God is dependent of whether He is able to re-unite them at the end of this age.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  August 27, 2011

Understanding Israel - so ... Who Is Israel?

It is a popular belief in Messianic circles that all Israelites are Jews.  Unfortunately neither historical or Biblical records support this belief.  This study provides overwhelming evidence that the first century Jewish people clearly understood the existence of the Northern Tribes as a separate people from the Jewish people.  It also explains the Mystery of the Gospel,  how YHVH will use these distinct groups of people to save all Israel and ultimately all mankind.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  September 3, 2011

the Mystery of the Gospel - Part 1 - Understanding Biblical Mysteries

Many believe that God separated Himself from Israel and is now doing a work through the Gentiles.  Is that the Mystery being spoken of by Paul in Romans 16, or is there something else?  What if the mystery is that God can take a rebellious people, even a people who are in many ways walking contrary to His ways, and use them as a witness of God's grace and mercy; and in doing so completely foil the adversary's plan.
This three-part series will help us to see what a Biblical mystery is and how to understand them. In Part 2 we will see that God called Israel for a purpose, but to fulfill that purpose Israel has to become a united kingdom, which has not been the case since Solomon died and Israel was scattered.
Finally, we will see that the mystery revolves around how Israel will be drawn back to God and will ultimately be joined with Judah so as to fulfill her purpose.
Originally Delivered in the fall of 2011 as part of the Understanding Israel series.  This updated and expanded version posted February 2024.

the Mystery of the Gospel - Part 2 - Israel's Purpose

Israel was called for a purpose which she only fulfilled during about 70 of her 3400 year history. After being split and subsequently scattered through the nations, she has been unable to fulfill her calling. This part shows that in 1st century Judea and Samaria, the Northern Ten Tribes had not become part of Judah, and were in fact clearly distinct from Judah.

the Mystery of the Gospel - Part 3 - Israel and Judah Unite - the Mystery Revealed

How can Israel be redeemed and brought back into fellowship with brother Judah? That was the Mystery! What's more, why was the Kingdom of Israel not restored in Yeshua's day? The Mystery is continuing to unravel!

The Hebrew Walk

Born Again - what does it mean? - Tim Kelley

The concept of being 'Born Again' is widely taught in Christian churches. Most believe it is a 'New Testament' concept, but the scriptures show otherwise. When Yeshua spoke to Nicodemus about the need to be 'born again', he look puzzled, but Yeshua claimed that he should already understand it.
Do WE understand it? It's very clear when we use the example gave us in His dialogue with one of Judeas leading teachers.Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - December 2, 2023

haDerek - a Guide to the Hebrew Way - Tim Kelley

From the very beginning, God intended for His people to walk a certain 'way'.  That way is defined in God's instructions - the Torah.  Our father Abraham walked in the 'way" as did most of the great men of scripture.  It's the same walk given in the Garden of Eden, and the way God's people will return to end the end.  This 4-part series defines the 'way', and shows that the Apostles continued in the 'way' even after the death and resurrection of our Savior - Yeshua the Messiah.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 25, 2015

haDerek - ACTionS of the Apostles - Tim Kelley

It's quite clear - Yeshua was in full support of God's law, but did His words fall on deaf ears when it came to his disciples? Absolutely not! The book of Acts provides overwhelming evidence that the apostles continued in the teachings of their teacher - Rabbi Yeshua. This study gives 10 examples of the discipes continuing to follow the Torah-based teachings of Yeshua after His death and resurrection.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 16, 2015

haDerek - Difficult Scriptures - Tim Kelley

If the book of Acts shows that the apostles continued to teach the Torah, why do so many Christians believe the apostles, primarily Paul, taught against the law? Could it be that they did just as Peter said they would do - "because they are unwise, they twist Paul's words to their own destruction"?  In this study we take three of the most popular "proof-text" scriptures and show how they, when put in the proper context, fully support the Law of God.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - June 27, 2015

haDerek - More Difficult Scriptures - Tim Kelley

Does being a "New Covenant" Christian mean that God expects you to discard the Torah? This last installment in the "haDerek" series answers the question of what it means to be "New Covenant". It also shows how the Messiah is truly "the end of the law", but beware - it's not what you think!    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - July 25, 2015

Righteousness - What is It? - Tim Kelley

The word "Righteous" and its dirivitives are mentioned throughout the Bible. But what is it? Have you ever tried to define it? If you cannot define it, how do you know if you are 'righteous' in God's eyes?
This study investigates the word using the Hebraic culture of the Bible. Part 2 of this study will help us to learn how to restore righteousness, and show from the Writings of the Apostles (New Testament) why they had trouble explaining it to the believing Jews and non-Jews of his day.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 18, 2024

Righteousness - Becoming Blameless in God's Eyes - Tim Kelley

Though the Bible defines 'righteousness' in the Old Testament, is it the same in the New? In this study we find that in order to restore righteousness before God, we have to do the same as in the Old Testament. Because that is true, we find why Paul took issue with Peter as well as the believing Pharisees when they believed that for the returning exiles, righteousness depended on observance of the Jewish 'oral traditions'. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 29, 2024

Sabbath Rest - Tim Kelley

Does God want us to 'rest' on the Sabbath, or does He want us to simply cease from doing our normal work on it so that we can dedicate that time to doing His work? This message explores the meaning of a number of Hebrew words that are translated as 'rest' and helps us to understand the true REST He wants for all of us.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 19, 2021

Festival Primer - Overview of Biblical Festivals - Tim Kelley

Were the Biblical festivals "done away with"? Were they only for the Jews? If so, then God never told Paul! Paul uses the festivals as a "shadodw" of what is yet to happen with the "body of Christ."    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - January 8, 2022

Modesty for Messianics - Tim Kelley

As God brings us to a better understanding of the Hebrew walk, which is supposed to be a reflection of His ways, we begin to understand that Israel is a community and that we are all brothers.  As brothers, we have the responsibility to help each other perfect their walk in Messiah Yeshua.  We are in fact 'our brother's keeper'.  How we dress can help or hinder our brother's walk.  This study takes a more 'in depth' look at the Biblical understanding of what it means to be modest, and how we can help our brother in his Hebraic walk.  Originally written for the, Sept. 2011 issue of Hebrew Roots magazine.  www.hebrewroots.net

Perfect Husbands - Tim Kelley

The Feast of Sukkot begins with the Wedding Supper of the Messiah.  It's the time when the Bride of Messiah begins her life together with the most awesome man - Messiah Yeshua - the Perfect Husband.    The scripture indicates that we men are to be "perfect" as well.  How do we do it, and why is it so important?  Delivered at the "Season of Our Joy" observance of the Feast of Tabernacles -  September 19, 2013

Tzitzit, Tallits, and Head Coverings - Tim Kelley

Is God concerned about the way we dress, and more specifically, is He concerned about some of the symbolic items a person wears or wears on his clothing.  Does God care if we wear a head covering, a tallit, or if we follow the scriptural injunction to wear tassels?  Did Paul require women to wear head coverings and forbid men from doing the same.  This teaching delves into some of the Hebrew and Greek words pertaining to these topics in order to better understand both YHVH's and Paul's instructions.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - June 16, 2012

Living in a Torah-Less Society - Tim Kelley

As a fellowship that strives to learn as much about God's ways and wishes as we can, are we able to identify how the disregard to God's laws - His Torah - played a part in some of the major news events in the past few weeks?  This interactive discussion of God's Torah instructions took place at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - December 29, 2012

Keeping It Holy - Sabbath Traditions - Tim Kelley

In Isaiah 58, God warned Israel because of their casual approach to the Sabbath and Holy Days.  Even today, God's people often take a casual approach to observing His festivals.  In an attempt to bring more sanctity to the Sabbath, the Jewish people have incorporated various traditions to their Sabbath observance.  This teaching helps explain some of these traditions and shows how tradition could help all God's people.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 25, 2013.

Circumcision - According to Paul. . . - Tim Kelley

Within practically all Christian denominations there's the belief that because of Yeshua's life, death, and resurrection, much - if not all of the Old Testament law had been "done away with".  When asked "who had the authority to 'do away with it'?", a common response is "Paul did".  This study focuses on what's probably the most notable of Paul's alleged deletions from the Law of God.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - Jan. 10, 2015; June 29:2019

Mixing Meat and Milk - using context to understand God's word. . . - Tim Kelley

Does God condemn the mixing of meat and milk? What does it mean to "seethe a kid in its mother's milk?  Was this just an ancient pagan practice or is there something to this passage that we're missing?  Could it be that the translators simply made an error?  This study delves into the meaning of this passage by using focusing on the context of the scripture.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - July 29, 2017.

Can You Really FORGIVE? - Biblical Forgiveness - Tim Kelley

People naturally want to forgive, after all - God built it into us. Why then is it sometimes so hard to forgive? The purpose of this study is to show that God created forgiveness, and therfore has the authority to legislate it. Just as God defines marriage, God defines and controls forgiveness.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - June 12, 2021.

Can You Really FORGIVE? - the Apostle's Example - Tim Kelley

In the previous installment we saw that forgiveness is defined in the Torah, and that the prophets show us how it is applied. Unfortunately, many Christians bypass the OT and go directly to the words of Jesus. But Jesus' (Yeshua's) words are sometimes hard to understand. So we're going to bypass the gospels for now and see what the apostles taught about forgiveness — after all, they simply taught what their Teacher taught them!  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - June 12, 2021.

Can You Really FORGIVE? - the Words of the Messiah - Tim Kelley

It is our natural desire to want to forgive a person so that the relationship can be restored. But it is so hard to do - especially if the offender has not repented. Nevertheless, we have been conditioned to forgive anyway. Why? Because that is what Yeshua (Jesus) taught — but is it really? Let's dig deeply into His words and find out.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - June 26, 2021.

Can You Really FORGIVE? - Pathway to Forgiveness - Tim Kelley

If true Biblical forgiveness is only possible when there is repentance, what can you do when the offender fails to repent? If both persons submit to the authority of the whole Bible, the answer is easy - you go to your brother. If not, ...  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - July 10, 2021.


Pray As David Did - Part 1 - Our Mindset Toward Prayer - Tim Kelley

All of us believe we should pray, and we've all heard that we should avoid repetitious prayer.  Yet once we look at the scriptures, we see what appears to be a pattern for prayers.  Did God give us a pattern by which we can make our prayers more effective.  Is the "Lord's Prayer" a model from which we should build our prayers.  What about our posture?  Should we sit, stand, fall flat on our face?  Does it matter if we look to the sky, look to the ground, look to the east?  This 3-part series examines what the scriptures have to say in regards to these questions and many more. 
Part 1 deals with our mindset toward prayer.  Do we really understand what prayer is?  Do we prepare ourselves to pray the way the scriptures indicate we should?  Do we understand that we're requesting the audience of the Judge of the World?
Part 1 delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 28, 2016.

Pray As David Did - Part 2 - Posture for Prayer - Tim Kelley

What is the correct posture for prayer?  Are we to sit? Stand? Kneel?  Prostrate ourselves?   Are we to look up?  Look down?  Based on what we see in the scripture, each of those positions were used in the scriptures at various times and for specific reasons.  Yet, does our posture while praying mean more to God than the content of our prayers?  Part 2 delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - July 9, 2016.

Pray As David Did - Part 3 - Prayer Customs - Tim Kelley

Most of us were raised in God-fearing homes, and as such, we probably learned a few prayer habits like kneeling beside our bed with our hands together and our face in the mattress.  Or maybe we were raised to make the "Sign of the Cross" each time we pray?  Did you know that many of our traditional prayer customs are no where found in scripture?  Maybe we should examine some "non-traditional" prayer customs . . . ones that are found in scripture, and ones that can be shown to get results.  After all, prayer is about communication, and communication is not always verbal.
Part 3 delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - July 23, 2016.

Nehemiah's Prayer - Pattern for Effective Prayer - Tim Kelley

Prayer, in it's simplest terms, is when you petition God for your wants or needs. Nehemiah's prayer was his request that God would give him favor in the eyes of King Artexerxes when he went to ask for help for his Jewish brothers in Judea. Though it is a prayer, it was spoken as if he were kneeling before a judge in court of law, making his case.
Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - July 13, 2024.

Give Thanks - Tim Kelley

The most common word for thanks or thanksgiving in the Old Testament in the Hebrew word Yadah.   The word literally means "to stretch out the hand" and is used to convey the thought of thanks, praise, and confession.  How did YHVH intend for His people to thank and praise Him.  This teaching gives a deeper insight into the ancient Hebraic understanding of these important topics, and how we can apply them in our lives.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 21, 2012

Names Mean Things - Using Yah's Various Names in Our Prayers - Tim Kelley

The scriptures show us that the Creator of the Universe has a number of different names and titles, all of which provide insight into what He is, what He does for us, and the hope we can have by understanding through the titles by which He identifies Himself. When we use the appropriate name in our prayers, maybe He will be touched by our dilegence and be more inclined to give us our petition. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - January 21, 2023.

In My Name - Messiah's Role in Our Prayers. . . - Tim Kelley

One of the most common closings for prayer in the Christian world is ". . . in Jesus' name we pray . . .", but many people know little about what that actually means.  Is praying or doing anything in another's name a New Testament creation or is it derived from the beginnings of Israel's history?  What does it mean to pray in His name?  Are we even allowed to "pray in His name"?     Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - Dec. 20, 2014.

Insights Into the Priestly Blessing - Tim Kelley

In the book of Numbers, YHVH instructs Aaron and his sons to pronounce a specific blessing - His blessing - over the children of Israel.  This blessing is often repeated by Hebraic and Messianic groups.  What is the blessing about? Who is it for?  Should it be repeated today?  This study offers answers to some of those questions.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 30, 2011

Miraculous Healing - Does God Still Heal as in Biblical Times? - Tim Kelley

"Why doesn't God heal today as He did in Biblical times?" is a question that is often asked when a believer is on his death bed and the doctors have done all that they can do. Is there a reason why miraculous healing is not as common today as it was then? Could it be that we have a distorted view of what it was back then?   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - January 25, 2020

Miraculous Healing - How to have Effective Prayers - Tim Kelley

"By using social media, a prayer request can be sent around the world in a matter of minutes, and thousands of prayers can be sent to God within hours. But is God more concerned about the quantity of prayers or the Quality of those prayers. Maybe we should do as Yeshua's disciples did and ask - 'Lord, teach us how to pray' "   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 23, 2020


In the Dust of the Rabbi - Tim Kelley

Matthew 28 shows that we have all been called to be disciples of the Messiah. But what does it mean 'to be a disciple' of Jesua? Is it just believing in Him, or does it imply more. In the first century culture meant a lot more than many of us realize, and much more than most of us are willing to do. Because 12 men were willing to do it, we are now blessed with the words of our Messiah.    Delivered at the Season of Our Joy festival site - October 2017.

the Believer's Calling - fulfilling your purpose - Tim Kelley

To be "called" by God is a tremendous blessing and opportunity. In the Hebraic context of the scripture, a calling carries with it a responsibility - a responsibility to live up to and fulfill your calling. Only by fulilling our calling can we "make our calling and election sure."    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 12, 2022

Let's Rebuild the House - a Message from the Prophet Chaggai - Tim Kelley

After being released from their Babylonian captivity, many Jewish people returned to the land of Israel with a renewed zeal for the God of Israel and charged with the task of rebuilding the Temple, but before the project really got underway, their zeal was replaced by the cares of the world.  On the 7th day - the Last Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the prophet admonished them to concentrate on the task they'd been given and let God take care of their needs.  Chaggai's prophecy, and its promise of salvation and restoration, was not fulfilled in their day, but remains for us and our generation.  Delivered at the "the Rehearsal" (Sunday, Oct. 23, 2016) and at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship (Oct. 29, 2016) .

Be Not Like the Gentiles - Lessons in Hebraic Leadership P1 - Tim Kelley

James and John were two of Yeshua's leading disciples.  They were full of zeal for the Messiah and longed for the restoration of His kingdom. But were they fit to be leaders in that kingdom?  Were they qualified to sit on His right and left hand? Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 9, 2013.

the Parable of the Minas - Tim Kelley

Yeshua's last trip to Jerusalem was filled with symbolism, instruction, and encouragemant for His 12 disciples - men who were specifically chosen to deliver His message to the nations.   This parable was given to them just before they departed on the last leg of their journey.  It was a message of warning and encouragement - not only for them, but for all those who claim to be disciples of The Messiah.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - December 10, 2016.

Drashing God - Hints for Effective Bible Study - Tim Kelley

God tells us to 'seek' Him, but how do we do that? For many it is through daily readng of the scriptures. But is that the best use of our time with God? Probably not. If we really want to 'get to know' our creator, there are more effective ways of doing so. This message shows steps we can take to make our time in Bible Study more effective. By incorporating them into our study, we can begin to better understand the mind of God! Note: this message was originally given in two parts. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - September 27, 2022.

Teachings of a General Nature

The New Moon and Israelite Unity - Tim Kelley

The Hebraic / Messianic movement is dividing over many things, many of which are not extremely relevant to the Hebraic walk.  Yes everyone wants to be scripturally correct in their walk - and that's good!  But some things just cannot be determined clearly from the scriptures, and the timing of the New Moon is one of them.  Yes - there have been many papers and books written in an attempt to explain this view or that, but it gets to be so difficult trying to determine which is correct.  God says that His ways are easy to follow - we don't have to go to the heights of the heavens or the depths of the oceans to figure them out.  So why all the confusion over the New Moon?

The Threshold Covenant -  Rico Cortes

TheThreshold Covenant is an ancient ritual that reveals the Plan of Yah in our redemption.  Covenants are important and once we understand ancient covenants then we will appreciate the work of Yeshua and our redemption. The Passover is about ancient rituals of the Covenant of the Door. This teaching will help you understand why Yeshua said "I am the Door" and why we need the Messiah to be part of the kingdom. Delivered at an Ami Yisrael Fellowship Seminar - March 6, 2011

Let Us Go Up to Zion - Eddie Chumney

This teaching explains how the declaration of the God of Israel to take His people out of Egypt and come into the promised land (Deuteronomy 6:22-23) is the foundation for understanding the entire Bible including the new covenant, the preparation of the Bride, the uniting of the twelve tribes of Israel and the Messianic Era.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 19, 2011

Who Are The First Fruits? - Jim Cowan

The Bible provides the identity of those YHVH calls "firstfruits".  Who are they and what can be learned by understanding the identity of and the concept of "First Fruits"?  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 21, 2011

Grace From a Hebraic Perspective - Pt. 1 - Tim Kelley

Most Christians define  Grace as "Undeserved Pardon" or "Divine Influence on the Heart".  Both of these definitions are somewhat abstract, but the  Hebrew language defines Grace in a very concrete way.  Armed with a truly Biblical definition, grace is more easily understood, and can be seen from a much different perspective, especially in how YHVH deals with his people in the first century.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - June 4, 2011

Grace From a Hebraic Perspective - Pt. 2 - Tim Kelley

See Above Synopsis.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - June 11, 2011

Joy and History of the Dance - Angie Kelley

Dance was a part of the praise before YHVH since at least the exodus from Egypt and continued down through the first century.  But what happened to the dance as part of the praise and worship before the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?  This teaching is a brief history lesson showing how  dance, the free expression of worship before God,  was systematically controlled more and more by the clergy, thus creating an un-natural divide within the congregation.  The PDF copy is the notes of the presentation.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - October 29, 2011.  This message was first delivered at the Season of Our Joy Sukkot Festival in 2011.  The recording and Power Point presentation are from that event.

What is the Church? - Tim Kelley

Did you know the word "church" cannot be derived from either the Greek or Hebrew texts of the Bible?  Where did the word "church" come from.  Is it Biblical?  More importantly, would there be a difference in our understanding of scripture if, instead of using the word "church", the English translators chose to use the word that is a correct translation of the Greek text.  I believe there would be.  This two-part teaching delves into the correct translation of the word "ecclesia" and shows how our understanding of the Old Testament would probably change with this understanding.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - November 12, 2011

Build My Church? - Tim Kelley

Was it Yeshua's role to 'build' a new religion called Christianity or was it to restore what YHVH had begun in Abraham?  Over half the prophecies in the Bible pertain to the restoration of Israel, yet Christian scholars and Bible translators seem to have missed this very important point.  This study shows that Yeshua's teaching to His disciples at Cesarea Philipi was that He would re-build Yah's assembly and that once rebuilt, they would never turn to idols again.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - December 3, 2011

What Does YHVH Call His Church? - Tim Kelley

I was once told that God's church would bear a certain name, and if they didn't have that name, they couldn't be God's church.  Is that a true, Biblically-based statement?  Is there any place in the Bible that says that a person, or a people, must be called a specific thing in order to be recognized by YHVH.  Is God that limited that He will not recognize people or peoples with other names?  Surely not!  This study looks at the various names and terms YHVH uses to identify His people and asks the question," What's more important - what you call yourself, or how you behave"?   Written June 20, 2012

Torah Economics Part 1 - Tim Kelley

Israel's economic system was built on the principle that the fewer laws and taxes you had the better off the nation was as a whole.  The economic model was agrarian with the idea that YHVH was the landowner and the people were sharecroppers who partnered with YHVH for the betterment of the entire nation.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - December 17, 2011

Torah Economics Part 2 - Tim Kelley

The majority of laws in the Torah that pertain to economic issues show how YHVH expects the Israelites to deal with the poor.  It is important to YHVH that the poor are able to maintain their dignity, thus He provides various means by which they can work and take care of their families. This study shows how YHVH used Indentured Servitude and Loans as a way to provide for the poor.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - January 7, 2012

Torah Economics Part 3 - Tim Kelley

The economic system YHVH intended for Torah required each person to look out for the needs of the poor (see previous articles in this series), but what about the needs of the priests - the ones who did the work of God?  This study shows that YHVH had made provisions for the service of the Tabernacle, but when Israel sinned by building a Golden Calf, things changed - the priesthood and the means of providing for the priests - Tithing.  Tithing became a part of Israel's culture because of sin and was not what YHVH had intended.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - January 28, 2012

Loving Your Neighbor - Tim Kelley

What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself? In a recent speech given by the President of the United State, he used the words of Messiah Yeshua to support his case for social reform.  But did he take Yeshua's words out of context?  Did he even have the slightest idea what it actually means to love your neighbor as yourself? This study delves into the Hebraic background of those words with  the attempt to show that loving your neighbor - at least from a Biblical point of view -  is different from what most people think.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 10, 2012

Who Is Your Neighbor - Tim Kelley

If we are to 'love your neighbor as yourself', then we must decide who our neighbor is.  Many believe that Yeshua settled that debate with the parable of the Good Samaritan, but is that really the case.  Did Yeshua expand the definition of neighbor beyond what His Father had established in the Old Testament?  This study is a sequel to the previous study 'Loving Your Neighbor', and takes a deeper look at the Parable of the Good Samaritan and offers another view of Yeshua's purpose is delivering this message.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 3, 2012

Finger of God - Tim Kelley

At various times in the Scripture, God gave His people signs to help them with their faith, to give direction, or to confirm their position as a leader.  Is it wrong to ask God to give you a sign?  The scripture clearly shows that it is not.  This teaching is wrapped into the story of the signs YHVH gave to the author while he was searching for his deceased brother in the Colorado desert.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 19, 2012

Code of Hammurabi - Tim Kelley

Did you ever wonder why God gave some of the laws that He did?  Why did God find it necessary to define how inheritances must be divide, or how to deal with multiple wives?  Was God in favor of multiple wives, or was He just legislating bad behavior?  Answers to these and many other questions may be found when God's law is compared to that of Hammurabi, a middle-eastern King and contemporary of Abraham.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - October 13,2012

Lines in the Sand- Tim Kelley

God's people are good at causing division, and it comes in various ways.  One of those ways is when we determine if a person is willing to be called a brother, or better yet "a part of God's people" based on what he believes, or by where he is in his walk with God.  We tend to draw "lines in the sand" and unconsciously decide that if a person is on the other side of that line in regards to his beliefs, he is not worthy of fellowship.  But did God draw these lines, or did we.   Do we have the right to draw lines in the sand that YHVH did not draw?   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - November 10, 2012

Hanukkah - For Jews Only? - Tim Kelley

Hanukkah is a traditional Jewish festival that commemorates God's hand in delivering the Jewish people from Syrian/Greek oppression.  It's a clear example of a king who wanted to expel God's Hebrew culture and replace it with a more "progressive" Greek culture.  Though not a "Biblical" story, it never-the-less gives us insight into what the deceiver is doing today.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - November 23, 2013.

I Will Bless Those Who Bless You - Examples of Faith in the Hanukkah Story - Tim Kelley

For the past 15 or so years, it's become quite popular for those who profess to love God to turn their hearts to the Holy Land and the Jewish people.  This "love for Israel" thing has moved many people to openly profess their support for that tiny Jewish nation by taking part in marches, raising money, inviting Jewish speakers into their churches, and various other means.  But is this really "loving Israel"?  The apochyphal Book of Maccabees provides insight into individuals and families who loved Israel and what it stands for so much, they gave their lives for it, and it's all cast within the story of Hanukkah.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - December 8, 2012

King Arthur - Another Proof of Your Hebrew Roots - Roger Norman

The Legend of King Arthur is a large part of English folklore.  Is this legend simply the creation of some person's imagination, or is it rooted in fact?  A good case can be made that it is indeed rooted in fact, and that it can help us to understand that our roots extend back to the Hebrew people.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - December 15, 2012

Joining Together - Tim Kelley

In the wake of recent tragedies in our nation, there has been a return to spirituality by a number of the American people.  It seems that catastrophe tends to wake people up to their God.  But is this the way God wants to get our attention?  Would it not be better it those who profess a belief in God to get their "act together" before catastrophe strikes?  Malachi 4:6 seems to indicate that this is indeed God's will, but will the people of God do so?  And if they do, will they do what it takes to help others to do so as well?  Delivered at the Assembly of Yahvah (Emory, TX) - December 22, 2012

Cultural Decline - What Were Once Vices are Now Habits - Tim Kelley

Our "American" culture was founded on and based on the rule of law as defined by our founder's understanding of the Bible, but in the 1960's our nation began to separate itself from God, and so has our culture.  Does the Bible give us a clue as to what should be the "cultural norm"?  This two-part study will examine this topic.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - December 28, 2013.

Even the Demons Believe . . . - Tim Kelley

According to Yeshua, the greatest example of belief and faith in His day was not that of a Jew; nor even an Israelite, but instead - that of a Roman soldier.  What did that soldier know that we don't know about belief.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 16, 2014.

the Men of the Great Assembly - Preparing the Way for the Messiah. . . - Tim Kelley

Ezra the priest was commissioned by God to restore Torah observance and the Hebrew walk to the Jewish people who had returned to the land.  According to Jewish sources, he created a body of men who helped bring that about.  The edicts and rulings made that body helped form the culture that enabled Messiah Yeshua, along with His disciples, to do the work they were commissioned to do nearly 400 years later.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - Jan. 24, 2015.

the Synagogue - a Place of Study and Justice - Tim Kelley

When Moses gave his final instructions to Israel before they entered the Promised Land, he instructed them to establish judges.  When you study the five books of Moses - the Torah - you will see that much of God's instructions to Israel deal with resolving problems between people.  Though it would be best if people worked their own problems out, there are times when a case needs to be decided by judges.  What are the qualifications of a judge, and should God's people return to a system of judges in order to bring peace to all?  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 7, 2011

the Synagogue - Platform for Spreading the Gospel - Tim Kelley

Though the synagoge's main purpose was to provide a place for the study of the scriptures, it also served as a place for itenerant rabbis to spread what they had learned from the sages. Yeshua. Paul and the other apostles used it repeatedly to spread the message of the Kingdom of God and her king - Messiah Yeshua. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - Feb. 14, 2015.

Judges in the Congregation  - an Overview. . . - Tim Kelley

Most Christians are taught that it's wrong to judge one another, but it that what the Bible actually teaches?  Scripture shows that the establishment of judges should be one or our first priorities.  This 4-part study will reveal what the scripture has to say about judges and judging.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 31, 2014.

Judges in the Congregation - Preparing to Be a Judge. . . - Tim Kelley

To properly judge God's people takes preparation.  There are a number of things a person should do to prepare himself for this responsibility.  Unlike what we've been taught, judging is not the problem, but rather it's unqualified judges who cause the problems in the community.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - July 12, 2014.

Judges in the Congregation - How to Judge. . . - Tim Kelley

If we area chosen to be a judge within a Hebraic congregation, we must follow the guidelines for judging that are spelled out in scripture.  To do anything less could bring in-justice instead of justice.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - November 8, 2014.

Judges in the Congregation - Choosing Judges. . . - Tim Kelley

The Biblical qualifications for judges, as well as the pattern for choosing judges, are clearly established in the Torah.  If we follow God's pattern, the judges of Israel will more likely be successful, and Israel will be better equipped to perform the job YHVH has called her to do.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - December 27, 2014.

Hedges - Protection for the Exiles of Israel - Tim Kelley

God put a hedge around Job and his family to protect them, but when the hedge came down, destruction and death followed. Scripture indicates that God put a hedge around the Hebrew exiles as well - a hedge that provided safety and prosperity these past 250 years. But as in the case of Job, the hedge is destined to be removed.     Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - Nov. 26, 2016.

Was God in the Second Temple? - Houston Hagler

Was God in the second Temple? In their attempt to discredit that Temple, many believe and teach that He was not. The scripture seems to indicate otherwise.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 23, 2021.

Vision - Moving Toward a Common Goal - Tim Kelley

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Vision is the motivation to work toward a common goal; to set aside things that might divide in order to achieve the purpose for which we were called.  This study gives insight into how we can better serve our Master both individually and collectively.     Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - November. 14, 2015.

John the Baptist - Preparing the Way - Part 1 - "His Purpose and Message" - Tim Kelley

John the Baptist had a unique calling.  He was to prepare the way for the coming of Israel's messiah.  How did John fulfill his role?  This 3-part series takes a look at John's life, the prophecies concerning him, the prophet that come before him, the things said about him, and the mysteries surrounding him.  In Part One, we examine his life and his message.    This 3-part series delivered in two parts at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 13 & 27, 2016.

John the Baptist - Preparing the Way - Part 2 - "Elijah and John’s Question from Prison" - Tim Kelley

How did John the Baptist "come in the spirit of Elijah"?  Were there similarities between their ministries and if so, how did Elijah and John "prepare for the coming of the Messiah?  In Part Two we'll also discover the motivation behind John's question to Yeshua "are You the chosen one, or do we look for another?"   This 3-part series delivered in two parts at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 13 & 27, 2016.

John the Baptist - Preparing the Way - Part 3 - "The Breaker and Our Calling" - Tim Kelley

The gospels give us a lot of information about John's calling and the later part of his ministry, but they also incite a number of questions about John,  one of which is  Yeshua's statement that "since John, the kingdom suffers violence . . . ".  What did John do that caused his name to be included in that statement?  We'll discover the meaning to that statement in this final installment of our study of John the Baptist.   This 3-part series delivered in two parts at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 13 & 27, 2016.

Be Strong and of Good Courage - Avoiding Entropy in the Family - Tim Kelley

Most everything has a natural tendency to decay.  This tendency in called "entropy" and will happen within any "system" that is closed to outside input.  It's much like an automobile left outside in the weather.  Without outside input (washing, waxing, etc.) it will eventually turn to rust.  Families are much the same.  They are systems that - without outside input - can self destruct.  How can families avoid this inevitable self destruction process?  By bringing into the family the correct input.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - August 13, 2016.

Hope - Alligning Our Will With God's - Tim Kelley

'Hope'is a widely used word in both the Tnakh (Old Testament) and in the Apostolic Scriptures (New Testament. But what is Hope? Does it carry the same meaning and desires as our current English word? What did the leaders and prophets in ancient Israel hope for? What did the apostles hope for?Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - November 12, 2022.

Frequencies in the Bible - Steve and Shirley Rees

This 3-part recorded message was given by Steve and Shirley Rees who have been working with the Hebrew text of the Psalms discovering ways to unlock musical patterns from them and arrange(ing) into compositions on the harp . . . . Some of the latest discoveries have linked the various musical frequencies found in the scriptures with the various pieces of Moses's Tabernacle furniture and how each station - piece of furniture and frequency - was part of the facilitating our approach into the presence of YHVH in worship.

Part 1 and 2 are by Steve. Part 3 is a short presentation given by Shirley in regards to the Tabernacle furnishings. The first two minutes of this message were not recoarded do to a technicle mishap.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - November 4, 2017.

Salvation Cycles Series - Tim Kelley

Introduction - Bondage and Sin

Many of the Biblical Heroes had times in their lives where they failed to live up the standards YHVH set up in the scriptures.  David, for instance, succumbed to lust, committed murder, and numbered Israel - all direct violations of Torah.  Yet David was called "a man after God's own heart"!  How is it that these men were able to pull themselves back out of the pit and becomes examples that we should follow today.  This series explores the Exodus story from Egypt through entry into the Promised Land and highlights the steps YHVH has defined for us as we journey from slavery to freedom.


The concept of redemption is quite prevalent throughout the scriptures. The terms “redeem” and “redeemed”
are used nearly 130 times in the Bible, and in most cases indicate a state of being released or loosed from some
type of bondage, be it bondage from slavery in Egypt to the (supposed) bondage to the (Old Testament) law.
In fact, my Bible Works dictionary, in giving the definition of one of the Greek words for “redeemed”, states that
metaphorically, to be redeemed is “Christ freeing the elect from the dominion of the Mosaic Law at the price of
his vicarious death”4. It would seem, then, that God “redeemed” Israel from the bondage of slavery in Egypt,
took them to Mount Sinai, where He gave them the Law, then 1500 years later sent Jesus to die an excruciating
death in order to redeem them from that same law! Humh. . .

Covenants - Part 1

The concept of being under covenant is somewhat misunderstood today, especially in the churches.  Most Christians consider themselves to be "New Covenant" Christians and completely disregard the covenants that came before!  In this three-part teaching, we will explore the Hebraic concept of covenant and discover our part - and our role - in the covenants of God. 

Part 1 discusses the Biblical basis of covenant and presents a historical perspective of the covenants God made with mankind, Abraham, and Ancient Israel.

Covenants - Part 2

Part 2 of this teaching investigates three of the major covenants God made with mankind, the covenants with Noah, Abraham, and Israel at Mount Sinai.  All three covenants follow a pattern that helps to show a believer's attachment to all three. 

Covenants - Part 3

Part 3 poses the question - "Is the New Covenant Really New?"  It's quite common in Hebraic circles to consider the Jeremiah 31 covenant as simply a renewal of the previous Sinitic covenant, but is that really the case?  Are there aspects of the "New Covenant" that distinguish it from the previous covenant at Sinai?


Most Christians believe they are "saved".  Sometime in their life, they accepted Jesus as their Savior, got baptized . . . and that sealed the deal - they're saved!  On the other hand, there are Christians who believe a person is not saved till their "change" comes and they are forever with Jesus.  But what does the Bible teach?  We investigate the Hebraic background of salvation to see what the New Testament writers would have been thinking when they used the words save and salvation.


Israel was "saved" when YHVH destroyed their enemy and they accepted Him, and His representative - Moses.  They entered the Red Sea on the Egyptian side as slaves, but emerged on the other side as free men and women.   During their time below the great expanses of water on each side, and possibly covered in deep fog, they had time to reflect on the changes that had happened, and were about to happen in their lives.  These former Egyptian slaves were about to become new men, in essence - born again.

the Way

After going thru the sea, Israel was born again, they became a new creation  and thus had to be brought up as a babe and taught the things of God.  God could have sent Israel directly to the promised land, but by doing so, they would have been destined to return to Egypt, so God took them on a journey, led them down the way in order to teach them about Him.  By the time they reached Mount Sinai, they had learned more about how to act and behave as free people.  It was not until then that they were able to receive His law.


The history of the children of Israel can be summarized as a pattern of cycles, they forget YHVH’s commandments, YHVH brings trials on them which cause them to cry out to Him,  and YHWH sends a savior who returns them to YHVH. This happened over and over.   Although Israel did cry out to God, did they ever change their heart toward God and what He wanted to give them,  or did they continue to long to return to Egypt.  In this final installment in the Salvation Cycles series we investigate whether Israel ever learned to repent and turn wholly to God.

Death and Beyond

Death and Beyond - Introduction by Tim Kelley

In 1999, a friend and I organized what soon became a very popular Sukkot festival site called "Season of Our Joy".  After that first year - and as a result of the heated discussions we witnessed at that year's festival, we decided to make 4 topics "off limits" for those who wished to speak at the festival.  Those topics were: 1) the calendar, 2) the nature of God and Messiah, 3) kosher foods, and 4) the sacred name.  Though we were not afraid of those topics, we felt that their divisive nature took from the "joy" of the festival, and thus were better handled in local fellowships.
Looking back over the years, I see that there is another topic that is just as divisive as the aforementioned four.  That topic is "the state of the dead".  Though the debate about the previous four is often ignited as a result of a person's desire for a better understanding, those who "divide" over the "state of the dead" seldom want to debate the scriptures, but simply cling to what they've been taught since childhood.  Yet there are those who are diligently looking for answers to this mystery, and it's for them that I am posting this series on my web site. 
This series begins with a well thought out and thought provoking booklet written by Dean Wheelock entitled "Death and Resurrection". Dean and Susan Wheelock are founders of "Hebrew Roots Magazine". I have broken the booklet into eight parts based on the headings and sub-headings found in it. For more information about "Hebrew Roots" magazine, go to Dean's web site - www.hebrewroots.net, or contact Dean and Susan Wheelock at dew@hebrewroots.net.
Other articles in this series explore the same general theme, but from my perspective after looking deeply in the meaning of some of the Hebrew words that apply to the topic. For the most part, they are the text of messages that were delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship.

Death & Resurrection - Book Introduction by Dean Wheelock

An ancient adage states there are only two things one can be sure of in this life; death and taxes. When a person is young, neither of these seem important, but as one grows older, death in particular begins to loom ever larger. Often times young people behave as though they are immortal, since death seems very remote to them. However, as people mature, they begin to understand mortality more fully, and their perception of death changes from a remote possibility into a harsh reality that must be faced.

Death & Resurrection - The Sting of Death - Part 1

As Believers in Y'shua HaMashiach (Yeh-shoo'-ah Hah Mah-shee'ackh = Jesus the Messiah) we accept the Holy Scriptures, both Hebrew and Greek (Old and New Testaments) as the revealed word of God. Therefore, we look to the Scriptures for the basis of our beliefs, rather than to the testimony of others, no matter how credible that testimony may seem to be . . .

Death & Resurrection - The Sting of Death - Part 2

It is not possible for us to understand the state of the dead from a Scriptural standpoint without coming to understand the meaning of the Hebrew word sheol (she-ohl', Strong's #7585). Sheol corresponds to the Greek word hades (hay'-dees, Strong's #86) and is often translated into the English word "hell." However, sheol has two other English translations as well . . .

Death & Resurrection - The Sting of Death - Part 3

Armed with the understandings about the nature and cause of death, and about the two deaths, let us now go back and see if we can properly understand the definition of the word soul, as it is used in both the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. Actually, there are three different elements that make up a human being; the body, the soul and the spirit . . .

Death & Resurrection - The Hope of the Resurrection - Part 1

In the preceding chapter we explored the Scriptures pertaining to three common theories concerning death: The Cessation of Life, The Immortality of the Soul and Reincarnation. In that article, we learned that at death the body is consigned to a place called sheol, which is synonymous to the grave, and that the 'soul' is not immortal, but is merely the physical life force which is contained within the living blood . . .

Death & Resurrection - The Hope of the Resurrection - Part 2

Much of the confusion about resurrection clears up when it is understood that the Scriptures teach two resurrections, not just one . . .

Death & Resurrection - The Hope of the Resurrection - Part 3

Not only will all the people who have ever lived be judged, the Adversary, HaSatan will also be required to go through two judgments. The first judgment occurs at the beginning of the Millennium: "Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven,having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years . . .

Death & Resurrection - Who Has Ascended?

Today, it is commonly believed that when a person dies they go to heaven (unless they are very wicked, then they go to hell). This concept is taught, not only in Christendom but throughout the secular world as well. However, Y'shua said: "'No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.'" (John 3:13)

Are the Dead REALLY DEAD?- by Tim Kelley

This is a question that has been asked from the very beginning.  Ever since the deceiver answered Eve with the big LIE saying that "you shall not surely die", many have fallen for the deception.  Many believe that man has an 'immortal soul' and that grandma is "looking down on us from heaven".  But what does the Bible say about this topic?  Is there life after death? What is the 'state of the dead'? Is there a resurrection to life?  Let's see what the Bible has to say. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - August 15, 2020

Are the Dead REALLY DEAD? Countering the Proof Texts - by Tim Kelley

There are a number of proof texts that are used to validate the concept of an 'immortal soul'. They include Elijah's Chariot, Saul and the Witch of Endor, the Transfiguration, Lazarus and the Rich Man, and many others. This study will examine a number of these texts to see if they really do substantiate that position. Note that this page will be updated a number of times and more of these texts are studied. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - September 5, 2020

Galatian's Series - Tim Kelley

The Jerusalem Conference - Acts 15 and the Restoration of All Israel

Many people's New Testament theology hinges on a good understanding of Paul's epistle to the Galatians as well as the Acts 15 Conference.  What's more, many scholars say that even Galatians can only be understood in light of Acts 15.  Unfortunately, many who study this pivotal meeting generally do so without the benefit of a basic understanding of first century Judaism.  Attempting to make sense of Acts 15 outside of the Jewish culture is akin to trying to understand the intent of The Constitution without considering King George, the Revolutionary War, and the desire for self governance by the 13 colonies.  This study puts Acts 15 back into the culture in which it took place, and presents a different conclusion than what's found by most Christian scholars.  Note that the audio and slide presentations are abridged versions of the written text.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - January 19, 2013

Galatians - Laying the Foundations

Paul's letter to the Galatians simply cannot be understood outside the context of first century Judaism.  Who were the Galatians?  Where were they meeting?  Who was causing the stir?  What's the urgency?  These and many other foundational questions must be answered before a person can get a handle on what Paul was dealing with, and how he hoped to resolve the Galatians controversy.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 23, 2013

Galatians 1:1-5 - Commentary

What is an "apostle"?  Who were the Galatians?  Grace and Peace - Paul's underlying theme.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 13, 2013

Galatians 1:6-10 - Commentary

What is the Gospel?  Is is a message about the Messiah; a message of the Kingdom; or both?  If we don't understand what the gospel was in the mind of those who read Paul's letter, how will we ever know what a perverted gospel looks like?  Also . . . what was the motivation behind the perverted gospel?  Was Paul guilty of it?  What about the other apostles?    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 4, 2013

Galatians 1:11-24 - Commentary

Paul was clearly frustrated that the Galatians had adopted this new gospel, though as we saw last time, was not a new gospel, but the same gospel with just a different twist.  So Paul shows that the source of his version of the gospel is from Messiah himself, instead of from the traditional teachers of the gospel.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - June 1, 2013

Galatians 2:1-10 - Commentary

Paul has shown that his message has not been influenced by the “Judaism” of his day. Even after notable men came from Jerusalem, possibly to persuade him in his gospel message, he didn’t change. On the other hand, he did submit his view of the gospel to the leading apostles in Jerusalem, and they agreed that he was correct in his beliefs.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - June 29, 2013

Galatians 2:11-21 - Commentary

Paul clearly shows that the gospel message he’s been given is something he truly believes. He was given it by inspiration, he checked it out, he took it to Jerusalem to make sure he understood it correctly, and he was willing to defend it at all costs, even if it meant being ostracized by his colleagues and the Jewish community.  Now he’s ready to confront the Galatians for turning away from it.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - Aug 3, 2013

Galatians 3:1-14 - Commentary

Is the Messiah's blood not sufficient for redemption?  If Messiah's blood is not enough, what more can a person do to become a part of the people of God?  Is taking part in a man-made Jewish tradition required in order to become a part of God's people?  If Abraham is justified (made righteous) by faith, can't we be also?  All these points were brought out as Paul continued to show the Galatians their error in following the "different gospel".    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - Aug 24, 2013

Galatians 3:15-20 - Commentary

Can a law be added to a contract.  What about to a covenant?  Obviously not.  What then was the purpose of the Torah?  Is the covenant made with Abraham dependent on  the Torah, or is our relationship with the Messiah the key?  Maybe a better question would be "what came first, the Messiah or the Torah"?  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - November 9, 2013

Galatians 3:21-29 - Commentary

Paul continues to answer the question "What is the purpose of the Torah?"  The answer becomes quite clear once we understand the terms Paul was using to describe some of the Torah's roles.  As with most thing "Pauline", we must be familiar with the Jewish culture of his day.   Note - the audio of this message includes the Q&A afterwards which adds more understanding to the presenter's message. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - December 7, 2013

Galatians 4:1-7 - Commentary

What does it mean to be a "slave to the Law"? Paul gives an analogy based on the Roman laws pertaining to children coming of age that helps clear up a number of misconceptions concerning Pau's view of the Torah.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - January 4, 2014

Galatians 4:1-7 (addendum)

What are the "weak and beggarly elements".  Are they the same as the "elements" that kept Judah in bondage? - January 28, 2014

Galatians 4:8-20 - Commentary

What had happened to the non-Jewish Galatians?  Why were they turning back to the pagan Roman culture they had come out of?  Paul knew the answer, he just couldn't believe it was happening.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 1, 2014

Galatians 4:21-31 - Commentary

The Hagar-Mount Sinai comparison is one of the most miss-understood passages in Galatians, if not the entire Bible.  For 2000 years it's been the primary proof-text of anti-Torah Christians.  Was Paul really painting the Torah as bondage . . . something that needed to be cast out?  This ALLEGORY can be clearly understood if you choose to do so within the context of Galatians, the combined teachings of Paul, and the prophecies of the Bible.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 1, 2014

Galatians 5:1-12 - Commentary

Paul has made his case.  Now he reverts to simply appealing to the heart of the Galatian believers. Are they willing to simply trade one type of bondage for another?   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 24, 2014

Galatians 5:13-26 - Commentary

The "perpetrators" of the "other gospel" had laid seeds of discord within the Galatian congregations, and the issue of Jewish identity was planting its claws in the congregations.  If something didn't change, the Galatian congregations would self destruct.  Paul's answer?  Put the Jewish oral traditions in their proper place and let the Torah of Moses define the believers' walk.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - June 21, 2014

Galatians 6:1-10 - Commentary

Paul was through making arguments.  He believed his letter would convince the Galatian congregations to reject the "other gospel" of the perpetrators and return to the gospel he himself had delivered.  But that's not the end of the story.  Paul knew a lot of damage had been done to the assemblies and steps would have to be taken to restore broken relationships.   Using the Matthew 18 guidelines of Messiah Yeshua, Paul shows them steps they can take to restore those relationships.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - July 26, 2014

Galatians 6:11-18 - Commentary

Following his usual pattern, Paul takes the pen himself to close this letter.  As he does, thoughts continue to flow into his mind and he can't help but make a couple more arguments to support his stand, finally closing with an appeal to look upon his dedication to the gospel and compare it to theirs.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - August 9, 2014

Spring Festival Series (Passover and Pentecost)

a Passover Primer - Tim Kelley

What is Passover, and what is it about? Is it a Jewish festival? Was it 'done away with'? Was it changed because of the death of Jesus? This study answers these and many other questions about Passover  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 29, 2020

So You Want to Observe Passover Part 1 - Tim Kelley

As YHVH draws His people out of the "Church" and begins to work with them, they begin to replace their former holidays (Christmas, Easter, etc. with God's appointed times, such as the festivals of Leviticus 23.  Passover tends to be the most popular of these festivals - probably because of its association with the crucifixion of the Messiah.  Though Passover is one of the festivals, it is one with covenantal overtones that a believer should be aware of.  In order to maintain the sanctity of the festival, God prescribes certain requirements of those who partake of the very special festival.  You will want to investigate these requirements before attending your Passover Seder.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 2, 2011

The information in this article is more clearly understood if the reader first avails himself of the information in all three of the  "Salvation Cycles" articles entitled "Covenants".  You will find them listed below.

So You Want to Observe Passover Part 2 - Tim Kelley

As YHVH draws His people out of the "Church" and begins to work with them, they begin to replace their former holidays (Christmas, Easter, etc. with God's appointed times, such as the festivals of Leviticus 23.  Passover tends to be the most popular of these festivals - largely because of its association with the crucifixion of the Messiah.  Though Passover is but one of YHVH's festivals, it is one with covenantal overtones that a believer should be aware of.  In order to maintain the sanctity of the festival, God prescribes certain requirements of those who partake of the very special festival.  You will want to investigate these requirements before attending your Passover Seder.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 9, 2011

The information in this article is more clearly understood if the reader first avails himself of the information in all three of the  "Salvation Cycles" articles entitled "Covenants".  You will find them listed below.

So You Want to Observe Passover Part 3 - Tim Kelley

There are a number of questions we all have when trying to reconcile the New Testament account of Yeshua's last meal with the timing of the Passover events as described in Exodus 12.  How could Yeshua eat the Passover and at the same time, be the Passover?  Why do we seem to have a conflict between the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) and the book of John?  How can we prove the timing of these momentous events if the Biblical accounts differ?  This study provides a way that we can understand all we need to know in order to have full confidence and understanding of Yeshua's sacrifice. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 16, 2011

Passover & Circumcision - Houston Hagler

The Torah indicates that a person may not "eat" the Passover if he is not physically circumcised, but should that keep you from observing the Passover? Because of restrictions God Himself put in place, no one can eat the Passover today, but we can all observe it! Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - February 26, 2022

Passover Changes - Tim Kelley

Though God does not change, it seems that Passover and its observance has changed since that fateful night over 3500 years ago.  But is that really the case?  Did God change the Passover?  Did Yeshua change the Passover?  Why is our observance today so much different than what it was in the original Passover?  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 5, 2014

Leavening and Oppression - Tim Kelley

Have you ever wondered why the Hebrew slaves had not baked bread nor prepared food to take with them on the trip as they were awaiting the call to leave Egypt?  Was it that they actually had no intention of leaving Egypt?  Were they not given clear instructions?  Is there something in that story we're missing. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 11, 2020

Passover's 4 Cups of Wine - Tim Kelley

What is the purpose of the Four Cups of Wine at Passover? Is there a clear relationship to the Passover story, or is it just Jewish Tradition?Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 28, 2020

Teach Your Children, a Passover Mandate - Tim Kelley

The Passover Story is the greatest story ever told.  It's the story from which 95% of the Bible is derived, and it's the story that defines the need for a deliverer, a savior, a Messiah!  God continually instructed His people to tell this story (from the beginning of Exodus to the end of Deuteronomy)     Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 23, 2016.

Having a Successful Passover - Tim Kelley

God's original intent was for Passover to be observed in a person's home, but over the years changes were made that presented challenges for home-based Passovers.   Then at the destruction of the Temple (70 CE) there was no reason why a person could not either observe Passover in his home or join in with another family.  Observing Passover in your home can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming.  This study provide guidelines for having a home-based Passover.      Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 21, 2015

Lessons from Passover - Tim Kelley

God's plan for mankind is for him to eventually dwell in Jerusalem, but the journey there starts with Passover.  We can understand the journey by striving to understand the festivals.  There are a number of lessons we can learn about what YHVH expects of us by delving into the Passover story.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 22, 2014

Love One Another - the Mandate to the Disciples of Yeshua - Tim Kelley

During Yeshua's last supper, He charged His disciples with the commandment to Love One Another, in fact, He repeated it 3 times. Why did Yeshua spend so much of that night on the same topic.  Was there an underlying flaw that He saw in His disciples, a flaw that might jeopardize the mission for which they had been called?    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - Feb. 28 , 2015.

the Doorposts - Tim Kelley

Why did God have Israel put blood on their doorposts?  Why not their roof?  Why not their door?  As we glean from the scriptures details found buried in the stories of Joseph and the Exodus, we find a message that seems to just "jump out" at us.  But hold on . . . we're going to be reading the "white spaces between the letters"  as we discover this message - one that becomes even more clear as we approach the end times.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 9, 2016.

King of the Jews - Tim Kelley

Though Yeshua died to fulfill numerous prophecies, He was killed because He claimed to be the King of the Jews, and by being associated with the would-be 'king' and a "co-conspiritor" in the "plot" to restore the ancient Kingdom of Israel, the disciples were put in a precarious position.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 31, 2018.

By Faith, Moses Kept Passover - Tim Kelley

The writer of Hebrews makes this statement in regards to Moses: 'By faith, he kept the Passover', but did it really take faith to do something that would save the life of your firstborn? Is there something we don't know that the writer of Hebrews did know? Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 20, 2019.

the Bones of Joseph - Tim Kelley

The writer of Hebrews makes a statement about the faith of Joseph when he instructed his brothers to carry his bones out of Egypt. But why did he not have them carry his bones immediately to the land of Canaan just as his father had instructed him? Joseph's bones remained in Egypt for a purpose, for a sign and inspiration to the Hebrew slaves. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 26, 2019.

Elijah in the Passover - Tim Kelley

Elijah is a very important figure in Jewish understanding of a coming Messiah.  In the culture of the first century Jewish people, the leadership taught that an Elijah or an Elijah type would appear before the advent of the Mashiach (the Messiah), and Yeshua concurred.  Most Christians agree that John the Baptist fulfilled that role.  This study brings out some important points about Elijah and his similarity to John the Baptist, then briefly discusses Elijah's role in Jewish and Christian observance of Passover. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 17, 2012

The Moeds on Nisan 15 - Jim Cowan

Nisan 15 is a very significant date in God's plan.  A number of significant events happened on this day.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - March 31, 2012

Passover and the Firstborn of Israel - Tim Kelley

When the Passover lamb was slain, God took the firstborn of Israel for His own.  But what did He plan to do with them?  The Torah shows that He had intended for them to be the priesthood of Israel, but Israel's sin at the golden calf changed all that.  Do the firstborn still have a purpose?  Will God re-establish the firstborn of Israel?  Did Yeshua's death on the cross have anything to do with the firstborn?  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 7, 2012

Toward a Better Understanding of Passover - by Jim Rector  (Opening Comments by Tim Kelley)

The timing of the original Passover has been a matter of discussion for  hundreds of years, but in the recent restoration of Torah pursuant Christians (the past 80 years), the debate is ignited once again.  What is the premise on which we should determine when the Passover should be kept - that Yeshua had to have kept the Passover or that the Torah dictates when the lamb is to be killed.  The following 17 pages present a very clear teaching on this issue.  It was written by Jim Rector, founder of Cornerstone Publications.  Jim wrote this in the late 1990's and revised it again a couple of years before his death in 2006.  Jim's widow, Rita, has given us permission to publish this teaching and to make comments within.

Part 1 - Introduction

Part 2 - Preparation

Part 3 - The Details

Part 4 - The 15th Day

Part 5 - The Term At Even

Part 6 - Why Such Haste?

Part 7 - Passover in the New Testament

Part 8 - A Day to Prepare

Part 9 - The Authority of the Pharisees

Part 10 - Christ and the New Covenant

Part 11 - The First Day of Unleavened Bread

Part 12 - Last Supper a Passover?

Part 13 - Let Us Keep the Feast!

Part 14 - The Early church Carries On

Part 15 - Passover - The Future

Part 16 - Significance of the Last Supper

Part 17- Conclusions

Freedom vs. Bondage - Tim Kelley

God intends for all men to be free.  Ancient Israel was established as a free nation - no king, no president, no prime minister.  But free societies typically gravitate toward bondage, and such was the case with Israel - the asked for a king.  Are there similarities between Israel's plight and that of us here in the United State?  Are we headed toward bondage, and is there anything we can do about it?

Determining the 430 years of Exodus - James Cowan

Genesis 15 indicates that Israel's bondage would last four hundred years, but Exodus 12 says 430 years.  Is there a conflict there?  If not, how can we clear this up.  It's not really that hard to figure out . . .

Why I Observe Shavuot . . . On Sunday - Tim Kelley

The timing of the Wave Sheaf Offering and Shavuot is one of the major calendar issues in the Hebrew Roots "awakening".  As YHVH continues to draw his people together, it's good to know the basis for the two major beliefs.  The Jewish view is quite prevalent, but what about the Sunday view?  This article shows the steps I went through as I was being challenged with this question a few years back.  May 14, 2013.

Joshua 5 Wave Sheaf - Fact or Error - Tim Kelley

Many teach that the Hebrew people observed the Wave Sheaf Offering just days after entering the Promised Land. But is that really the case? The Torah tends to show otherwise. See why the typical Sabbath-Sunday scenario that is typically used is in error and get a hint of what the Wave Sheaf Offering is really about. March 5, 2021.

Joseph and the Wave Sheaf - Tim Kelley

The timing of the Wave Sheaf offering has been a source of contention for over 2000 years.  A better understanding of this unique ceremony based on the story of Joseph may reveal an understanding that might make the timing issue more clear.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 19, 2014

the Role of the Firstfruits - a better understanding of the Wave Sheaf Offering - Tim Kelley

The Wave Sheaf offering is somewhat shrouded in mystery, with various understandings attached to it.  Yet the offering can  be easily understood when one takes into account the timing of the offering, God's festival cycle, the message of the prophets, and Paul's insight into the role of the Torah, the prophets, and the life of the Messiah.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 4, 2015.

The Courtship of the Messiah and Israel - Tim Kelley

The 50 day period of the Omer count was very important to Israel.  During that time they witnessed the parting of the Red Sea and their salvation from the hand of Pharaoh.  But were they, a brand new nation, willing to enter into covenant with YHVH, the god of their forefathers?  YHVH spent the next 40-45 days showing them His glory and power so that by the time they reached Mt. Sinai, their desire to Him was more than infatuation, but was indeed true love.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - April 20, 2013.

Words - the Shavuot Miracle - Tim Kelley

The miracle that God bestowed on the disciples on Shavuot was the gift of words – what to say, and when to say it. The impact of those words gave them confidence that would propel them and their message for years to come. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - November 9, 2019.

the Promise of the Father - Tim Kelley

For many Christians, the 'Promise of the Father' is considered to be the giving of the Holy Spirit. But is that really the case? The 'Promise' that Yeshua taught to His disciples is a message that is dependant on the Holy Spirit to be delivered to the nations. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - November 9, 2019.

The Message Behind Shavuot - Tim Kelley

The Wave Sheaf offering is somewhat shrouded in mystery, with various understandings attached to it.  Yet the offering can  be easily understood when one takes into account the timing of the offering, God's festival cycle, the message of the prophets, and Paul's insight into the role of the Torah, the prophets, and the life of the Messiah.    Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 24, 2015.

Pentecost from Another Perspective - Tim Kelley

Pentecost is often considered to be the "birthday of the church, but is that really the case?  There is more to the Pentecost story than the return of he Holy Spirit to God's people.  By delving deeply into the prophecies quoted by Peter on this momentous day, we can discover aspects of the first Pentecost we may have never considered.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - June 8, 2014

the Holy Spirit in Action - Tim Kelley

The Nature of God is a very divisive issue.  Though the Bible does not indicate such, many people believe you have to figure out what the Holy Spirit is and it's "place in the godhead" in order to be saved.  This is a very Greek way of thinking.  But YHVH wants us to develop our minds like the Mind of the Messiah.  He wants us to look at things like a Hebrew, not a Greek, and as we've come to see, the Hebrew way of thinking is an Action Based way. So instead of trying to determine what the Holy Spirit is, let's see what the Holy Spirit does, for "by your fruits you are known".  This study lists many of the actions of the Holy Spirit and also shows how Holy Spirit was alive and well in the Children of Israel.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 26, 2012

being Led by the Spirit - Tim Kelley

We are often admonished to ". . . let the Spirit lead you!"  But what does it mean to be spirit led? Does the Bible define it?  How are we to know if we're really being led by the spirit?  The scriptures are replete with examples of people who were led by God's spirit to perform various tasks and to lead others to a successful outcome.  Can we learn from their examples?  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship - May 11, 2013.

Fall Festivals

The Beginning of the Birthpains? - Tim Kelley

Biblical history is prophecy; at least that is what we can assume in Solomon was right when he said "That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun." If that is the case, then the propecies that fortold Israel's demise some 2700 years ago would be just as applical today". This journey thru some of those ancient prophecies reveal that we just might be living in the last days.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  August 21, 2021

A Place of Refuge? - Tim Kelley

The New Testament is the source of information for much of Christianity's "rapture" teachings. But where did Paul and get his information? He got it from the ancient prophets and then put that information into the context of the Biblical festivals and the traditional Hebrew wedding.   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  September 7, 2021

Teshuva - Tim Kelley

John the Baptist told the throngs of Jewish people who came to his baptism to "repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand".  Weeks later, Yeshua repeated this statement to those who came to hear His preaching.  As we know, the fall festival season pictures the re-establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.  The first century Jewish people saw a connection between the fall festivals and repentance, especially the days leading up to Yom Kippur.  Based on the story of Moses and his repentance on behalf of the Israelite people for the sin of the golden calf, they established a traditional period of repentance known as Teshuva.  This teaching discusses this very important tradition.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  September 10, 2011

Five Steps Of Repentance - Tim Kelley

God expects His people to truly repent when they sin against Him and their brother.  But what is repentance?  Is it simply saying you're sorry then continuing on, or is it a process?  I submit that it's a process, one that can be defined by the scriptures.  Understanding repentance is not hard, and can be easily understood within the context of betrothal, marriage, and the raising of little children.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  August 25, 2012

Teshuva & the Role of the Remnant - Tim Kelley

For mainstream Judaism, the tradition of Teshuva is practiced to help prepare them for the fall holy days - Yom Teruah (Rosh HaShanah) and Yom Kippur.   On the other hand, the Remnant of Israel must make Teshuva a way of life.   See how the Biblical Festivals, the Hebrew Wedding, and Teshuva all play a part in the restoration of all Israel.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  August 10, 2013

Corporate Repentance & Teshuva for All Israel - Tim Kelley

The leaders of ancient Israel departed from YHVH's instructions and drew practically the entire nation into idolatry and sin.  As a result, Israel has to endure the "curse of the law" - separation from YHVH.  The ancient prophets understood then and repented of the sins of their fathers, and called on the nation to do so as well.  Should the "Israel of God", the true believers do so as well?  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  Sept. 13, 2013

the Message of the Mikvah - Tim Kelley

The weeks preceding the fall festivals are traditionally understood to be a time of repentance, which is often shown by baptism. The purpose of baptism is understood in many different ways, but the meaning of  this ancient Hebrew practice is rooted in the Hebrew language.  This study of the Hebrew words behind the concept of baptism will not only give us a hint as to how it's to be done, but more importantly, will show us what baptism does for those who truly enter that "watery grave".   Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  August 15, 2015

Baptism and the Bride of Messiah - Tim Kelley

The first century Jewish culture contained many traditions that have been adopted by Christianity.  One of those is Baptism.  The scripture shows that baptism predates Christianity by 1400 years.  This teaching focuses on how baptism was part of the Hebrew wedding customs.  Since this same culture places the coming (return) of the Messiah at the fall Holy Day season, it's prudent to discover how the tradition of baptism fits into the period of time pictured by the fall festivals.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  August 11, 2012

Yom Teruah and the Restoration of All Things - Tim Kelley

God is not into change, in fact, He says that He does not change.  God is really into Restoration. The fall festivals picture a time of restoration.  God is beginning to restore a number of Bible basics back to His people.  Armed with these understanding, a person is able to get a greater grasp of what YHVH is doing at this end time.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  September 8, 2018

Yom Kippur - Covering God's People - Tim Kelley

Yom Kippur is considered to be the Holiest day of the year. On that one day, the High Priest is allowed to enter the Holy of Holies, the dwelling place of God on earth. Through his actions that day in placing the sins of Israel on the "goat of departure", His people recieve a covering that keeps us in good standing with YHVH. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  Yom Kippur 2013 & 2017

Yom Kippur - Sins Blotted Out - Tim Kelley

The purpose of the two goats of Yom Kippur has been shrouded in mystery for 3000 years, but the Messianic believer can understand it simply by letting the Bible interpret itself. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  Yom Kippur 2018 & 2019

Yom Kippur - The Message of the Jubilee - Tim Kelley

Yom Kippur marks the beginning of the 50th year Jubilee. It signifies liberty and freedom for the captives of Israel — a new beginning as they return to their land and start a new life. It also plays a big part in understanding the end time "greater Exodus" as Yeshua begins to draw His people from the four corners of the earth. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  Yom Kippur 2020

God's Coming Kingdom - No New Thing Under the Sun - Tim Kelley

The Kingdom of God was the focus of Yeshua's ministry as well as the Gospel message delivered by His disciples.  What motivated the disciples to long for the Kingdom of God.  Was it some far off dream, or a reality that they could very well imagine, and that may have come before?  Does God give us a glimpse of the Kingdom in His scriptures?  Yes - He does!  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  September 19, 2015 and at Season of Our Joy - 2015

the Marriage of The Lamb - Tim Kelley

God chose the institution of marriage to describe His relationship with His people.  But the Hebrew marriage tradition is much different from that of the modern western nations.  To properly understand the festivals of YHVH, you must first understand the Hebrew wedding tradition because the festivals are all attached to different aspects of the Hebrew wedding.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  September 17, 2011 but re-recorded due to a faulty recording (I forgot to push the record button).

Peace with No End - Tim Kelley

According to scripture, the world will experience peace when all things are restored to the way they were intended to be.  There are examples in the Bible as to what that peace might look like.  What is our role in bringing about peace, and how do we start?  - Delivered at the "Season of Our Joy" observance of the Feast of Tabernacles -  October 9, 2014

Derek ha Tov - the Good Way - Tim Kelley

The fall festival of Sukkot is about restoration ... restoring the kingdom of God and restoring the Good Way that YHVH gave the Hebrew people. How will God go about introducing His way to the nations that survive the Tribulation? He'll do it through Israel as they live up to their calling. Delivered at the "Season of Our Joy" observance of the Feast of Tabernacles -  2018

the Last Great Day - the Tradition Behind It - Tim Kelley

The Last Great Day is a Jewish tradition that has been misunderstood by many Christians simply because it is just that - 'Jewish Tradition'. See what is behind this day and why Yeshua used it to illustrate one of the greatest keys to understanding the Resurrection of the Dead.   Delivered at the North Texas Fellowship Sukkot -  October 9, 2020

Rivers of Living Water - Tim Kelley

Can the heathen be saved?  What happens to those who die without having a relationship with God and His Son?  This is a question that has perplexed theologians for 2000 years.  But the answers are there - in your Bible.  The festivals given to Israel in Leviticus 23 are in many ways, and outline of God's plan of Salvation for all mankind.  God desires that all men will be saved.  But if they're already dead?  One key to understanding God's salvation plan can be found in the Jewish tradition called "Hoshanna Rabbah", the seventh and Last Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  September 24, 2011.  This same message was delivered at the Season of Our Joy Sukkot Festival in 2011.  The recording and Power Point presentation are from that event. Revised March 2020

It Takes a Village - Hoshanna Rabbah and the Hebraic Community - Tim Kelley

Hoshanna Rabbah, the Last Great Day of the festival, pictures the great outpouring of YHVH's Holy Spirit.  During that time many will awaken to the understanding that the message of the Messiah is not what they had thought.  At that time, they will need teachers to show them the way, and communities in which to meet.  Delivered at the "Season of Our Joy" observance of the Feast of Tabernacles -  September 25, 2013

And All Israel Shall be Saved - Salvation and Reward - Tim Kelley

As we approach the fall festivals - the time that pictures the end of the age and the resurrection - our minds naturally consider the plight of mankind.  Who will be saved and who will not.  If it is God's desire that all men be saved, then why does it appear that He's not making that happen?  Did we misunderstand His intent, or have we misunderstood His plan?  Part 1 of this series shows that in the Hebrew mind, salvation is not the same as reward. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  September 10, 2016

And All Israel Shall be Saved - Hope for the Non-Believer - Tim Kelley

God called and saved His people so that they could declare His awesome power and mercy to the world, but few down through the ages heard that message, and even fewer believed it. How then is God going to bring His will to pass? How is it possible that "all Israel shall be saved"? The answer lies in the festivals of God. Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  Oct. 3, 2016 (Yom Teruah)

the Beit haShoeivah - the Water Pouring Ceremony - Tim Kelley

In John 7, the writer speaks rather matter-of-factly about the "last day, the great day of the feast", but if you were to look elsewhere in scripture for those terms, you would not find them. Why? Because these terms refer to a Jewish tradition — one Yeshua used to help illustrate God's plan of salvation for all who are willing to recieve His words. -  Posted August 10, 2021.

World Peace - in the Messianic Kingdom of God - by Tim Kelley

If the Messianic Kingdom pictures 'world peace', but God gives mankind the opportunity to choose between right & wrong - good & bad, how will that peace be acheived? The answers are in the scriptures.

Shimini Atzoret - the Day After Time - Tim Kelley

What happens when it's all over? Is the 1000 year Messianic Kingdom the end of things.  What happens after the 1000 years.  Because Hebrew thought is cyclical, it would stand to reason that things don't end, but rather continue on and on.  But what will we be doing?  If the end of 7000 years is the end of a cycle, then it must be the beginning of another; and if there is "no new thing under the sun", then the beginning of the cycle must be something we've seen before.  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  October 1, 2011

Sukkot to Passover - Spiritual Strides Between the Festivals - Tim Kelley

The six months between Sukkot and Passover sometimes considered to be the "spiritual doldrums", a time of spiritual idleness as we await the spring festivals to begin. Yeshua did not let the winter get Him down.  He spent it performing some of His greatest acts and miracles, providing proof to His disciples that He was indeed Israel's Messiah.  Should we be using these days for the same purpose?  Delivered at the Ami Yisrael Fellowship -  October 17, 2015

Season of Our Joy 2022 Messages

The following messages were presented at the 2022 'Season of Our Joy' Sukkot festival in Pittsburg, Texas. The views presented are those of the respective authors and may or may not be those of the organizers of Season of Our Joy or others who attended.

Birth of Yeshua and Gog & Magog - by Joseph Good

What does the birth of Yeshua have to do with the prophecies pertaining to Gog and Magog?.

Key Moments in the Kingdom of Heaven - by Joseph Good

Living the Life of Prophecy – P1 - by Derek Kyle

Living the Life of Prophecy – P2 - by Derek Kyle

Meek is Not Weak! - by Anthony Cooper

Decision Trees - by Jonathan Stahl

Everyday Miracles - by Anthony Cooper

Yah's Plan for Restoring Shalom - the True "Build Back Better" - by Mike McDaniel

the Last Great Day God's Spirit Poured Out - by Tim Kelley

Six Ways to Sinai - by John Merritt

Rebuilding the Planet - by John Merritt