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  EVENTS ...

New Month

The Ami Yisrael Hebraic Fellowship commemorates the beginning of each Biblical month on the evening of the New Moon in accordance with the traditional Jewish calendar. Since the festival times are determined by the beginning of months, the observance of the beginning of months has grown as God's people begin to observe the Biblical festivals of Leviticus 23.

We typically meet on the evening before the first day of the month  for a fellowship meal or snacks and either a teaching, Bible Study, or other activity. It is traditional to blow the shofar on the new month.  Contact us if you would like to participate.

New Moon & Israelite Unity New Month Calendar

Spring and Summer Festivals

The yearly spring and summer harvest festivals listed in Leviticus 23 teach of God's redemption of His people. The exodus story is a shadow of that redemption with the reality being in Messiah Yeshua. The Ami Yisrael Fellowship observes these festivals as a group. Contact us for details.

  • Passover


    man applying blood to doorpost with family around
    adapted from - Applying Blood by Frank Zimmerman - Flickr

    Passover is the first festival in the yearly festival cycle.  The original Passover began in the afternoon of Nisan 14 when the Israelites took their lamb and killed it at the door of their homes.  The blood was then applied to the door as a sign to God that they were depending on Him for the deliverance of their firstborn.  The lamb was then roasted on an open fire and eaten that evening.

    Ami Yisrael observes Passover on the early evening of Nisan 15 with a fellowship meal.  It is a joyous festival with incredible meaning.

    Since eating the Passover meal is conditioned on certain Biblical requirements, those interested in observing it with us must contact us weeks in advance.

    So You Want to Observe Passover Doorposts

  • Hag haMatza

    the Feast of Unleavened Bread

    matza, tallit, and walnuts on table
    image by kasia2003 - Flickr

    Hag haMatza is a 7-day period when no leavened products are eaten.  Set in the barley harvest, it begins with the Passover meal and ends 7 days later at sundown.

    This festival commemorates our redemption from bondage at the death of the firstborn of Egypt and our salvation that took place when Pharoah and his army were destroyed in the Red Sea.

    Imbedded within the festival is the 'Feast of Firstfruits' and the 'Wave Sheaf' offering, a priestly service that begins the harvest season.

    Ami Yisrael observes Hag haMatza with nightly meetings throughout the week and an afternoon Worship Service and fellowship meal on both the first and last days of the festival. 

    Wave Sheaf Offering

  • Shavuot

    the Festival of Penticost

    torah scroll in wheat field
    image by photovs - iStockphoto

    Shavuot, or 'Feast of Weeks' as it is sometimes called, is a 1-day festival that takes place on the 50th day from when the sheaf is waved.  After Israel was redeemed from bondage and saved in the sea, they were lead to Mt. Sinai where YHVH entered into a marriage covenant with them and gave them the Torah - God's instructions for a meaningful relationship with Him.

    Shavuot is during the wheat harvest, and is the setting for many Biblical events including the marriage of Boaz and Ruth, and the purchase of the land that later became the Temple Mount. It also marks the beginning of the apostle's mission.

    Ami Yisrael usually observes Shavuot with a weekend campout at Lake Bob Sandlin in NE Texas. Unfortunately, because Shavuot is unusually late this year, the venue is not available. AYF will instead observe the festival at home with a service on both Sabbath and the following day at our normal fellowship hall in Longview.

    Penticost From Another Perspective

Fall Festivals

The yearly fall festivals listed in Leviticus 23 teach about the end of days, the time leading up to the restoration of the Kingdom of God. The Bible's book of Joshua (Yehoshua) give a hint of how Yeshua will bring His people into the 'Promised Land'. The prophets provide the details. The Ami Yisrael Fellowship observes these festivals as a group. Contact us for details.

  • Yom Teruah

    the Feast of Trumpets

    Yom Teruah marks the begining of the fall - or 'final' harvest of the year. It is the only festival that begins on the New Month, and because in biblical times the beginning of months were determned by observation, this day of often referred to as 'the day that no man knows'. A 'teruah' is a sound a trumpet makes, thus the day could also be called 'the Day of Blowing'.

    The Old Testament gives little information concering the purpose and meaning of the festival, therefore most of our understanding comes from the words of Messiah and His apostles.
    Ami Yisrael observes this festival with a New Month celebration followed the next day by an afternoon worship service and fellowship meal.

    Marriage of the Lamb

  • Yom Kippur

    the Day of Atonement

    high priest with hands on head of goat
    'Day of Atonement' by - Jan van't Hoff - gospelimages.com

    Yom Kippur is a fast day, a day devoted to the worship of YHVH.  The Torah shows that this day marks the beginning of the Jubilee year, the year that all debts are forgiven and freedom is declared throughout the land.

    In biblical eschotology, it falls toward, or at the end of the 7-year period called 'the Birthpains of the Messiah (the 'Tribulation') and is the day the Messiah will return and restore His kingdom on the earth.

    Yom Kippur is also the final day of the 40-day period called 'Teshuva', a time of deep heart-felt repentance.

    Ami Yisrael observes this day of fasting with a short worship service in the afternoon.

    Teshuva-Sins Blotted Out

  • Sukkot

    the Feast of Booths

    sunrise over corn field
    adapted from - 'Cornfield Sunrise' by Paul Orr - shutterstock

    The 7-day festival of Sukkot and its associated festival 'Shemini Atzareth' - the 'Eighth Day Assembly' are the final festivals of the cycle.  Sukkot pictures the Messianic Kingdom - a time of joy for His people.  It is pictured in scripture by Solomon's kingdom, and even earlier by Israel's 40 years in the wilderness; a time when YHVH provided their every need, hovered over them day and night, and was ever present with them in the Tabernacle.

    The Eighth Day festival pictures a new era, a 'New Beginning' - a return to the Garden of Eden.

    Ami Yisrael usually observes Sukkot at Lake Bob Sandlin in NE Texas

    God's Coming Kingdom SOOJ Sukkot