Our Mission Statement -
"Teaching the Ancient Path of our Hebrew Messiah"
Ami Yisrael ("My people Israel") is a Sabbath keeping, Torah pursuant, Hebrew Roots. fellowship that is firmly grounded on the teachings and example of Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ).
Over 3500 years ago God lead Israel to Mount Sinai - the 'Mountain of God' - to recieve His pathway to righteousness, the Torah. If they had heeded God's word and stayed on the path, they would have become an example to the nations of how a people who follow the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would be blessed. Unfortunately, they failed to do so and instead twisted and corrupted His words — and as dictated by the Torah, were ultimately scattered to the four winds.
In due time, Messiah Yeshua came to re-establish the proper application of Torah and to redirect the Hebraic walk back to what was given on the Mountain. He commisioned His disciples to follow in His footsteps and announce His gospel of restoration, which would eventually culminate in the re-establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth. By their words the world was turned "upside-down" as thousands of Jewish and non-Jewish people came to believe that Yeshua was indeed the long expected Hebrew Messiah, and that He would soon return and re-establish His kingdom on the Earth.
Our mission statement expresses our desire to continue to follow the mandate given to the disciples - to teach His people the good news of the Kingdom of God, to admonish them to observe all the things He commanded, and to raise up deciples to Him. We feel that mandate can best be accomplished by teaching His words from within the context and culture of the Hebrew people … after all, He was a Hebrew, and the Hebrew culture is the culture from which the entire New Testament was written.
What to Expect -
The Sabbath is supposed to be a delight, and at Ami Yisrael, we strive to make it one by offering a mix of Bible Study, Messages, and Song & Dance. Here's what you can expect.
We begin the service by reading and studying that week's Torah portion. Everyone is invited to read and comment - even the children. Torah study is important to us because we believe that the Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible) is the foundation on which the rest of of the Bible was written. We delve into the words of God as they were given to Moses and see how the rest of the Bible (both Old and New Testaments) ties in. The Torah Study lasts 90 minutes.
After a 45 minute snack break, we continue with a worship service where we praise God with song and Hebraic dance. You are welcome to join in the dance, but we ask that if you allow your young children to join, you stay next to them until they are able to keep up.
Song & Dance is followed by a message or Bible Study given or led by a Torah-based, Messiah-centered teacher. All messages include time for questions and answers either during or at the conclusion of the message.
Our usual set up is a 'classroom' arrangment with tables. This enables those who wish to spread out their Bibles, reference materials, and even their laptop computers. You are welcome to bring snacks and drinks to the table as well.
Though we take Bible Study and the worship of the God of Israel very seriously, we don't believe God intended it to be boring. We strive to avoid conflict in our discussions and we insert a little humour from time to time just to take off the edge. It's a truly delightful afternoon!
Sabbath Schedule
12:00 - 1:30 PM Torah Study
1:30 - 2:15 PM Snack Break
2:15 - 4:00 PM Traditional Service
Praise through Song and Dance
Learn more about Ami Yisrael ...
Introduction - download our Fellowship guide.
Foundations - what do we believe? ... and Why?
Participation - other activities or events?
Location - where do we meet?